sexta-feira, 2 de abril de 2010

Porque gosto da foto
Porque faltam 5 dias... *.*
Porque ja ta quase...
Porque nós vamos...
Porque a ansiada esta a começar aparecer...
Porque sim!

Para terminar e porque tu percebes cá vai:

"We waited for infinity
W screamed ´til we felt it
We were ready when it was time to run
We ran through the monsoon
We got closer to the edge
We didn´t jump
We broke away
We´re gonna live on if it our final day
We´re gonna die when love is dead
You came to rescue us
We´re always by your side
And even if you´re a thousand sea´s far
We´ll raise you hands together"

Nós vamos voltar a gritar, saltar, cantar... e tudo o resto! =D

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